MATIL Material Testing & Innovation Laboratories Co. MATIL commenced its operations in 2016 in order to provide services to iron and steel industry by focusing at;
- Accredited Laboratory Services,
- Research & Development collaborations via its pilot scale steel production laboratory and
- Technical Competence/Skills uplifting programmes and Trainings
With its internationaly accredited test and analysis services having strong and leading-edge laboratory infrastructure, MATIL is very well-recognized Expert Body on testing of rebar in accordance with global standards through embedded accreditation mechanisms in place - ISO/IEC 17025.
Regarding information about the status of “fatigue testing of reinforcing bar” in accordance with international rebar standards such as BS4449, NEN 6008, DIN 488-2, NS 3576-3, NF A35-80, TS 708, SS560 etc. which MATIL Test House can perform both as an authorized laboratory of global and reputable product certification authorities, i.e. UK CARES, NORDCERT, KONTROLLRADET, TSE etc. and also as an experienced test center for the inspection and testing of constructional steel products prior to any certification processes.
MATIL is bringing a “second” fatigue testing into service and going to run two devices simultaneously after the end of July 2018. The second fatigue testing equipment will have the additional capacity of 100 kN alongside 500kN capacity present fatigue tester.

The duration of the all required testing completion is generally 2-3 weeks from receipt of bars and orders. A detailed timing schedule based on the current work load within the laboratory can be confirmed on receipt of the material.
The test sample length requirements are listed in the table below.

You can access the price list of fatigue testing and also other tests from the link below;
- Prices are quoted in Euro. Other payments will be evaluated by daily currency against Euro.
- Prices exclude delivery and customs duties/taxes incurred.
- Additional testing to replace invalid tests will not be charged and replaced with the new bar testing.
Please do not hesitate to contact us (e-mail to: if you have any questions or comments or would like a formal quotation.